Our Factory
PETRO1® group has more than 20 years’ experience in manufacturing finished lubricants Formulated with unique base oils with exclusive Biesnate & Bio-Molecules under formulation of ininon GmbH - Austria technology.
From motor oil for the family car to lubricants for heavy industrial equipment, customers across five continents trust Petro1 Lubricants to deliver excellent, reliable performance in a wide range of operating conditions.
PETRO1® engine oil & industrial lubricants are produced by the PETRO1® Group plant site located in Salariyeh Industrial Zone,Tehran-Iran which is a modern high-tech manufacturing complex with a yearly capacity of approximately 30 000 tons of high-tech lubricants.
Our complete line of lubricants and coolants is sold worldwide under our PETRO1® brand.
These premium products help improve fuel economy, lower emissions and extend the period between oil changes.
Base oil is the oil used in lubricant formulas before additives are introduced. Premium base oil and some of additives is manufactured using a process called Biesnate and Bio-Molecules TM, which PETRO1® commercialized in 2018.
In this technology, biodegradable raw materials and Nano compounds have been used to produce a new generation of engine and industrial oils, which has significantly increased the quality and efficiency of the above products compared to the products of other competitors.
PETRO1® has been innovating and reinventing superior quality solutions to cater to the ever-changing needs across industries. Its extensive R&D set-up in factory comprises of a fully equipped laboratory where it upgrades its existing solutions and develops new products.
Our logo & Slogan
Petro1’s logo is modeled from engraved patterns on vessels discovered during the Achaemenid Empire.Most of the roles used by lions are Achaemenid art, all of which represent power, authority, greatness and glory.
Gold plate, Achaemenid art, 5th to 4th century BC
View of one of the golden dishes of the Achaemenid period and its unique engraving
We have chosen the slogan "We’re the creator. What do you want?"
Because we consider ourselves the descendants of the Achaemenids who, with the high knowledge they had, were able to do anything and attain sciences that are still strange to humanity. PETRO1® group has an intelligent and powerful R&D team capable of meeting everything industry expects from a suitable lubricant.
Our Values
The values of our company have been considered as a foundation and have become part of our individual and organizational personality, which includes the following:
- Honesty in speech and behavior
- Adherence to your commitments
- Self-confidence and others
- Respect yourself, colleagues, customers and others
- Having discipline
- Having global thinking
- Courage in innovation
- Having perseverance and high team spirit
- Doing things correctly and on time
- Trying to improve the quality of products and maintain quality
Our Vision & Mission
Our first vision is to create everything with the leading technologies that the industry and the general consumer expect from us.
Our second vision is to think about technologies and products that have not existed before and to be a leader in the consumer market with the emergence of it and to meet the needs of more consumers and increase their expectations.
Our mission is to lead the market of lubricants by producing high quality products with advanced technology, environmental protection and respect for the rights of all consumers.
What We Do
We are a knowledge-based company in the production of automotive and industrial lubricants under formulation of ininon GmbH-Austria, that operate around the world. All of these products are made from biodegradable raw materials, which are much higher quality and environmentally friendly than lubricants produced from mineral and petroleum raw materials.
The research and development unit of this company formulates all the products according to the orders of the industries and according to their required needs, and this aspect is the high distinction and capability of this company in comparison with other competitors.
Who We Are
This group began operations more than 20 years ago.
At the beginning of the activity, like many start-ups, the company started its activity from a very small workshop. But now it is producing more than 1,000 types of products in its own factory with an annual capacity of 30,000 tons.
The company currently manufactures and sells its knowledge-based products under the license of the Techsology Group – Austria.
This group uses the company's unique Biesnate and Bio-Molecules TM technology, which belongs to the company, to produce its products and is used all over the world.

Why Petro1
Ever since Petro1 was founded, it has tried to innovate frequently and deliver the highest quality lubricants to the market. It is because of this commitment to innovation that millions of people trust Petro1 products in their vehicles, engines and equipment.
Since its inception, Petro1 and its scientists have been innovating, creating and inventing a variety of bio-friendly formulas. It is a commitment to innovation that shows in our products that it helps move vehicles and equipment around the world.